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XRD Analysis
Jul 29, 2022

X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) is a non-destructive analytical technique that has been used for decades in a variety of sectors. XRD is a technique that provides pivotal data on the crystal structure of a compound which is a key property characteristic of a material.

What is X-Ray Diffraction?

X-Ray Diffraction uses X-Ray light to determine the 3D arrangement of atoms in a crystal lattice. A source of radiation directs X-Ray light at a solid material, the structure of the material causes the X-Ray beam to diffract. Dedicated software is used to calculate the angle, 2 theta, between the incident and diffracted rays. These 2 theta angles identify the structure of the material. The resulting diffracted beam, due to the structural arrangement of the material produce peaks on a spectrum. With the use of Bragg’s Law we are able to identify key structural information of our material being observed.

Why is a materials crystal structure pivotal to its function?

A materials crystal structure can have a huge impact on the way the material behaves. One prime example is graphite and diamond. Both made up of Carbon atoms, however their crystal arrangement has very noticeable effects on the material. Graphite is soft and can conduct electricity, where as a diamond is one of the strongest materials on earth and does not conduct electricity.

A materials crystal structure can impact the quality of pharmaceutical products, safety of building materials, efficiency of batteries and can impact the strength of a metal link in a chain.

One example of where XRD is important in the Pharmaceutical world is confirming the presence of a polymorph and quantification of Polymorphic forms in a material. Polymorphic analysis is key to ensuring the quality of a material which may impact its safety and efficiency.

What sectors benefit from XRD analysis?

  • Pharmaceutical
  • Building
  • Mining
  • Energy
  • Metal

BCM Analytical Services’ Spectroscopy suite is fully equipped with a Panatlyical X’Pert3 Powder XRD ready to take on more contract analysis. If you would like to discuss XRD analysis at BCM or would like more information, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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